Source code for langchain.hub

"""Interface with the LangChain Hub."""

from __future__ import annotations

import json
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional

from langchain_core.load.dump import dumps
from langchain_core.load.load import loads
from langchain_core.prompts import BasePromptTemplate

    from langchainhub import Client

def _get_client(api_url: Optional[str] = None, api_key: Optional[str] = None) -> Client:
        from langchainhub import Client
    except ImportError as e:
        raise ImportError(
            "Could not import langchainhub, please install with `pip install "
        ) from e

    # Client logic will also attempt to load URL/key from environment variables
    return Client(api_url, api_key=api_key)

[docs] def push( repo_full_name: str, object: Any, *, api_url: Optional[str] = None, api_key: Optional[str] = None, parent_commit_hash: Optional[str] = "latest", new_repo_is_public: bool = True, new_repo_description: str = "", ) -> str: """ Push an object to the hub and returns the URL it can be viewed at in a browser. :param repo_full_name: The full name of the repo to push to in the format of `owner/repo`. :param object: The LangChain to serialize and push to the hub. :param api_url: The URL of the LangChain Hub API. Defaults to the hosted API service if you have an api key set, or a localhost instance if not. :param api_key: The API key to use to authenticate with the LangChain Hub API. :param parent_commit_hash: The commit hash of the parent commit to push to. Defaults to the latest commit automatically. :param new_repo_is_public: Whether the repo should be public. Defaults to True (Public by default). :param new_repo_description: The description of the repo. Defaults to an empty string. """ client = _get_client(api_url=api_url, api_key=api_key) manifest_json = dumps(object) message = client.push( repo_full_name, manifest_json, parent_commit_hash=parent_commit_hash, new_repo_is_public=new_repo_is_public, new_repo_description=new_repo_description, ) return message
[docs] def pull( owner_repo_commit: str, *, api_url: Optional[str] = None, api_key: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Any: """ Pull an object from the hub and returns it as a LangChain object. :param owner_repo_commit: The full name of the repo to pull from in the format of `owner/repo:commit_hash`. :param api_url: The URL of the LangChain Hub API. Defaults to the hosted API service if you have an api key set, or a localhost instance if not. :param api_key: The API key to use to authenticate with the LangChain Hub API. """ client = _get_client(api_url=api_url, api_key=api_key) if hasattr(client, "pull_repo"): # >= 0.1.15 res_dict = client.pull_repo(owner_repo_commit) obj = loads(json.dumps(res_dict["manifest"])) if isinstance(obj, BasePromptTemplate): if obj.metadata is None: obj.metadata = {} obj.metadata["lc_hub_owner"] = res_dict["owner"] obj.metadata["lc_hub_repo"] = res_dict["repo"] obj.metadata["lc_hub_commit_hash"] = res_dict["commit_hash"] return obj # Then it's < 0.1.15 resp: str = client.pull(owner_repo_commit) return loads(resp)