Source code for langchain.memory.buffer

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

from langchain_core.messages import BaseMessage, get_buffer_string
from langchain_core.utils import pre_init

from langchain.memory.chat_memory import BaseChatMemory, BaseMemory
from langchain.memory.utils import get_prompt_input_key

[docs] class ConversationBufferMemory(BaseChatMemory): """Buffer for storing conversation memory.""" human_prefix: str = "Human" ai_prefix: str = "AI" memory_key: str = "history" #: :meta private: @property def buffer(self) -> Any: """String buffer of memory.""" return self.buffer_as_messages if self.return_messages else self.buffer_as_str
[docs] async def abuffer(self) -> Any: """String buffer of memory.""" return ( await self.abuffer_as_messages() if self.return_messages else await self.abuffer_as_str() )
def _buffer_as_str(self, messages: List[BaseMessage]) -> str: return get_buffer_string( messages, human_prefix=self.human_prefix, ai_prefix=self.ai_prefix, ) @property def buffer_as_str(self) -> str: """Exposes the buffer as a string in case return_messages is True.""" return self._buffer_as_str(self.chat_memory.messages)
[docs] async def abuffer_as_str(self) -> str: """Exposes the buffer as a string in case return_messages is True.""" messages = await self.chat_memory.aget_messages() return self._buffer_as_str(messages)
@property def buffer_as_messages(self) -> List[BaseMessage]: """Exposes the buffer as a list of messages in case return_messages is False.""" return self.chat_memory.messages
[docs] async def abuffer_as_messages(self) -> List[BaseMessage]: """Exposes the buffer as a list of messages in case return_messages is False.""" return await self.chat_memory.aget_messages()
@property def memory_variables(self) -> List[str]: """Will always return list of memory variables. :meta private: """ return [self.memory_key]
[docs] def load_memory_variables(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return history buffer.""" return {self.memory_key: self.buffer}
[docs] async def aload_memory_variables(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return key-value pairs given the text input to the chain.""" buffer = await self.abuffer() return {self.memory_key: buffer}
[docs] class ConversationStringBufferMemory(BaseMemory): """Buffer for storing conversation memory.""" human_prefix: str = "Human" ai_prefix: str = "AI" """Prefix to use for AI generated responses.""" buffer: str = "" output_key: Optional[str] = None input_key: Optional[str] = None memory_key: str = "history" #: :meta private: @pre_init def validate_chains(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict: """Validate that return messages is not True.""" if values.get("return_messages", False): raise ValueError( "return_messages must be False for ConversationStringBufferMemory" ) return values @property def memory_variables(self) -> List[str]: """Will always return list of memory variables. :meta private: """ return [self.memory_key]
[docs] def load_memory_variables(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, str]: """Return history buffer.""" return {self.memory_key: self.buffer}
[docs] async def aload_memory_variables(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, str]: """Return history buffer.""" return self.load_memory_variables(inputs)
[docs] def save_context(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any], outputs: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Save context from this conversation to buffer.""" if self.input_key is None: prompt_input_key = get_prompt_input_key(inputs, self.memory_variables) else: prompt_input_key = self.input_key if self.output_key is None: if len(outputs) != 1: raise ValueError(f"One output key expected, got {outputs.keys()}") output_key = list(outputs.keys())[0] else: output_key = self.output_key human = f"{self.human_prefix}: " + inputs[prompt_input_key] ai = f"{self.ai_prefix}: " + outputs[output_key] self.buffer += "\n" + "\n".join([human, ai])
[docs] async def asave_context( self, inputs: Dict[str, Any], outputs: Dict[str, str] ) -> None: """Save context from this conversation to buffer.""" return self.save_context(inputs, outputs)
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Clear memory contents.""" self.buffer = ""
[docs] async def aclear(self) -> None: self.clear()