
class langchain_core.tracers.schemas.Run[source]#

Bases: RunBase

Run schema for the V2 API in the Tracer.

  • child_runs – The child runs.

  • tags – The tags. Default is an empty list.

  • events – The events. Default is an empty list.

  • trace_id – The trace ID. Default is None.

  • dotted_order – The dotted order.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.

param child_runs: List[Run] [Optional]#
param dotted_order: str | None = None#
param end_time: datetime | None = None#

End time of the run, if applicable.

param error: str | None = None#

Error message, if the run encountered any issues.

param events: List[Dict[str, Any]] [Optional]#

List of events associated with the run, like start and end events.

param extra: dict | None = None#

Additional metadata or settings related to the run.

param id: UUID [Required]#

Unique identifier for the run.

param inputs: dict [Optional]#

Inputs used for the run.

param name: str [Required]#

Human-readable name for the run.

param outputs: dict | None = None#

Outputs generated by the run, if any.

param parent_run_id: UUID | None = None#

Identifier for a parent run, if this run is a sub-run.

param reference_example_id: UUID | None = None#

Reference to an example that this run may be based on.

param run_type: str [Required]#

The type of run, such as tool, chain, llm, retriever, embedding, prompt, parser.

param serialized: dict | None = None#

Serialized object that executed the run for potential reuse.

param start_time: datetime [Required]#

Start time of the run.

param tags: List[str] | None [Optional]#

Tags for categorizing or annotating the run.

param trace_id: UUID | None = None#
property metadata: dict[str, Any]#

Retrieve the metadata (if any).

property revision_id: UUID | None#

Retrieve the revision ID (if any).

Examples using Run#